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HomeBlogHow to Update Node Version: A Comprehensive Guide with Security Insights

How to Update Node Version: A Comprehensive Guide with Security Insights

Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable applications efficiently. Keeping Node.js updated is essential for performance improvements, security patches, and access to the latest features. This guide will walk you through different methods to update Node.js on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Additionally, we will explore Cyber Security Services and their relevance in securing applications built with Node.js.

Why Should You Update Node.js?

Updating Node.js offers several advantages:

  1. Security Enhancements – New versions fix vulnerabilities.
  2. Performance Improvements – Updates optimize memory and execution.
  3. New Features – Latest ECMAScript and framework support.
  4. Bug Fixes – Resolves known issues in previous versions.

Checking Your Current Node.js Version

Before updating, check your current Node.js version using:

bashCopyEditnode -v

This command will return an output like:


Now, let’s move on to updating Node.js.

Methods to Update Node.js

1. Updating Node.js Using Node Version Manager (NVM) [Recommended]

NVM (Node Version Manager) is the best way to manage multiple Node.js versions.

Steps to Install/Update Node.js with NVM (Windows/macOS/Linux)

Step 1: Install NVM (if not installed)

For Windows

For macOS/Linux

Run the following command:

bashCopyEditcurl -o- | bash

Then, reload your shell configuration:

bashCopyEditsource ~/.bashrc  # For bash users
source ~/.zshrc   # For zsh users

Step 2: Verify NVM Installation

bashCopyEditnvm --version

If installed correctly, it will display the version number.

Step 3: List Available Node.js Versions

bashCopyEditnvm list-remote

Step 4: Install Latest Node.js Version

bashCopyEditnvm install node  # Installs the latest version

or to install a specific version:

bashCopyEditnvm install 18.17.1

Step 5: Set Default Node Version

bashCopyEditnvm use 18.17.1

To make it the default version for future terminals:

bashCopyEditnvm alias default 18.17.1

Step 6: Verify Node.js Update

bashCopyEditnode -v

2. Updating Node.js Using Node.js Installer (Windows & macOS)

If you prefer a graphical interface, download and install the latest version from

  • Step 1: Visit
  • Step 2: Download the latest LTS version.
  • Step 3: Install the package (it will replace the older version).
  • Step 4: Verify installation using:
bashCopyEditnode -v

3. Updating Node.js Using Package Managers (Linux/macOS)

On Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)

bashCopyEditsudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm

To install a specific version:

bashCopyEditsudo apt install nodejs=18.17.1

On macOS (Using Homebrew)

bashCopyEditbrew update
brew upgrade node

On Fedora/RHEL

bashCopyEditsudo dnf module reset nodejs
sudo dnf module enable nodejs:18
sudo dnf install nodejs

On Arch Linux

bashCopyEditsudo pacman -S nodejs npm

4. Updating Node.js Using n (Alternative to NVM for Linux/macOS)

Another way to manage versions is using n, a simpler version manager.

Step 1: Install n Package

bashCopyEditnpm install -g n

Step 2: Install the Latest Node.js Version

bashCopyEditn latest

To install an LTS version:

bashCopyEditn lts

To install a specific version:

bashCopyEditn 18.17.1

Step 3: Verify Installation

bashCopyEditnode -v

Cyber Security Services & Node.js

Keeping your Node.js updated is just one part of securing your application. Cyber Security Services play a critical role in ensuring data protection, secure transactions, and preventing attacks.

Security Concerns with Outdated Node.js Versions

  1. Vulnerabilities: Older versions may have unpatched security issues.
  2. Dependency Risks: Older versions may not support newer security features.
  3. Performance Degradation: Older versions are more susceptible to attacks.

How Cyber Security Services Can Help

Our Cyber Security Services provide:

  • Vulnerability Scanning: Detecting security loopholes in Node.js applications.
  • Application Security Audits: Ensuring secure coding practices.
  • Threat Monitoring: Identifying potential attacks.
  • Incident Response: Quick action against breaches.

If your business relies on Node.js applications, investing in Cyber Security Services ensures compliance and safety from cyber threats.


Updating Node.js is crucial for security, performance, and compatibility. The best approach is to use NVM, but other methods like installers, package managers, and the n tool are also effective.

Additionally, securing your applications through Cyber Security Services ensures your updated Node.js environment remains protected from potential threats.



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